Evoluez vers la simplicité
Une charge
administrative allégée
Une fois la commande enregistrée, toutes
les données sont disponibles par tous qui
peuvent apporter ainsi leur contribution.
Finies les feuilles volantes !
Une liaison
terrain fluidifiée
Sur site, chacun a toutes les informations
pour travailler et peut partager rapports d'intervention, photos, commentaires, quitus.
Un suivi des commandes
facilité pour vos clients
Vos clients ont besoin d'être informés du suivi et de la traçabilité des travaux qu'ils vous confient. En jouant la transparence, vous leur rendez service et créez un climat de confiance.
avec Nexxio
Tous les interlocuteurs travaillent sur le même outil.
- Assistants, conducteurs de travaux, techniciens pour gérer le quotidien des commandes et travaux.
- Chefs de service ou directeurs d'exploitation pour superviser l'activité.
- Sous-traitants pour créer les rapports d'intervention avec quitus.
- Clients pour suivre les commandes via le lien de suivi de chaque commande ou via leur espace client.
Que peut-on y gagner ?
Vos confrères
- Productivité des techniciens : +15%
- Trésorerie : 15 jours de gagnés
- Gain de temps : Appels clients / 2
- Augmentation de la satisfaction client : Meilleure note technique aux appels d'offres
Vos clients
- Des locataires plus satisfaits des travaux
- Plus de proximité
- Moins d'administratif
avec Nexxio
Chorus Pro via Esker
Nexxio envoie automatiquement les factures de vente à destination de vos clients utilisant Chorus Pro
Freedz by Neovacom
Nexxio envoie automatiquement les factures de vente à destination de vos clients utilisant Freedz
Sage compta
Exportez de Nexxio les écritures de comptabilité générale pour les importer en comptabilité
Une offre à votre dimension
Nexxio vous propose un accompagnement sur mesure adapté à vos besoins.
Le passage au digital se fait en douceur et à votre rythme. Notre équipe vous écoute et vous guide dans le paramétrage et l’utilisation de la plateforme.
Tellement simple que vous vous demanderez comment vous avez fait jusque-là.
Pas besoin de toutes les fonctionnalités dès maintenant ?
Pas de problème, Nexxio se dimensionne et s’adapte à votre structure et à votre process.
Nos modules sont ajustables et l’offre peut être complétée au fur et à mesure, brique par brique pour coller à vos envies et à vos besoins.
Assistante administrative - Francilienne de confort
Valérie Ergaz
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
Assistante administrative
Francilienne de confort
“35h de gagnées par semaine, soit un temps plein !
Je suis passée de 6h-21h sans pause déjeuner + travail le week-end à 8h30-18h avec 1h30 de pause déjeuner !
Je sens que j’ai beaucoup plus de temps pour moi et que je vais profiter de mes week-ends !”
Assistante administrative
Francilienne de confort
“35h de gagnées par semaine, soit un temps plein !
Je suis passée de 6h-21h sans pause déjeuner + travail le week-end à 8h30-18h avec 1h30 de pause déjeuner !
Je sens que j’ai beaucoup plus de temps pour moi et que je vais profiter de mes week-ends !”
Assistante administrative
Francilienne de confort
“35h de gagnées par semaine, soit un temps plein !
Je suis passée de 6h-21h sans pause déjeuner + travail le week-end à 8h30-18h avec 1h30 de pause déjeuner !
Je sens que j’ai beaucoup plus de temps pour moi et que je vais profiter de mes week-ends !”
Responsable maintenance et service entretien - ENC - Groupe H2RA
Peter Queru
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
Responsable maintenance et service entretien
ENC - Groupe H2RA
“Pour nous c'est une force, dès qu'on répond à un marché d'entretien, on gagne énormément de points sur la partie enregistrement des bons, suivi et rapports !
Et maintenant nos clients en raffolent et nous réclament les liens de suivi Nexxio !”
Responsable maintenance et service entretien
ENC - Groupe H2RA
“Pour nous c'est une force, dès qu'on répond à un marché d'entretien, on gagne énormément de points sur la partie enregistrement des bons, suivi et rapports !
Et maintenant nos clients en raffolent et nous réclament les liens de suivi Nexxio !”
Responsable maintenance et service entretien
ENC - Groupe H2RA
“Pour nous c'est une force, dès qu'on répond à un marché d'entretien, on gagne énormément de points sur la partie enregistrement des bons, suivi et rapports !
Et maintenant nos clients en raffolent et nous réclament les liens de suivi Nexxio !”
Chargé d’affaires chez BL 26
Raouf Lajnef
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
Chargé d’affaires chez BL 26
“Depuis Nexxio, j'ai plus la pêche ! J'ai gagné mes dimanches, j'ai gagné du sommeil, je ne m'inquiète plus.
Au début je flippais un peu, mais en fait au bout de un, deux devis, c’était parti ! Et j’ai plus la tête qui chauffe quand j’en fais.”
Chargé d’affaires chez BL 26
“Depuis Nexxio, j'ai plus la pêche ! J'ai gagné mes dimanches, j'ai gagné du sommeil, je ne m'inquiète plus.
Au début je flippais un peu, mais en fait au bout de un, deux devis, c’était parti ! Et j’ai plus la tête qui chauffe quand j’en fais.”
Chargé d’affaires chez BL 26
“Depuis Nexxio, j'ai plus la pêche ! J'ai gagné mes dimanches, j'ai gagné du sommeil, je ne m'inquiète plus.
Au début je flippais un peu, mais en fait au bout de un, deux devis, c’était parti ! Et j’ai plus la tête qui chauffe quand j’en fais.”
Assistante chez Isotoit
Sophie Ternon Lemonier
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
Assistante chez Isotoit
“Gain de temps formidable ! Plus besoin d'avoir des bons papiers, des tableaux excels de suivi, des photos par whatsapp, des factures (encore) papier… tout est regroupé au même endroit !”
Assistante chez Isotoit
“Gain de temps formidable ! Plus besoin d'avoir des bons papiers, des tableaux excels de suivi, des photos par whatsapp, des factures (encore) papier… tout est regroupé au même endroit !”
Assistante chez Isotoit
“Gain de temps formidable ! Plus besoin d'avoir des bons papiers, des tableaux excels de suivi, des photos par whatsapp, des factures (encore) papier… tout est regroupé au même endroit !”
Conducteur de travaux chez Lucas Rennes
Quentin Goupil
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
Assistante chez Isotoit
“Gain de temps formidable ! Plus besoin d'avoir des bons papiers, des tableaux excels de suivi, des photos par whatsapp, des factures (encore) papier… tout est regroupé au même endroit !”
Conducteur de travaux chez Lucas Rennes
“Avant Nexxio, j'avais 4 réunions de pointage avec mes clients, aujourd'hui j'en ai 0. J'ai gagné 8h / mois grâce aux liens de suivi et tableaux d'avancement de Nexxio !”
Conducteur de travaux chez Lucas Rennes
“Avant Nexxio, j'avais 4 réunions de pointage avec mes clients, aujourd'hui j'en ai 0. J'ai gagné 8h / mois grâce aux liens de suivi et tableaux d'avancement de Nexxio !”
Conducteur de travaux chez Lucas Rennes
“Avant Nexxio, j'avais 4 réunions de pointage avec mes clients, aujourd'hui j'en ai 0. J'ai gagné 8h / mois grâce aux liens de suivi et tableaux d'avancement de Nexxio !”
Gérant de l’entreprise LFG
Steve Laudort
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
Assistante chez Isotoit
“Gain de temps formidable ! Plus besoin d'avoir des bons papiers, des tableaux excels de suivi, des photos par whatsapp, des factures (encore) papier… tout est regroupé au même endroit !”
Conducteur de travaux chez Lucas Rennes
“Avant Nexxio, j'avais 4 réunions de pointage avec mes clients, aujourd'hui j'en ai 0. J'ai gagné 8h / mois grâce aux liens de suivi et tableaux d'avancement de Nexxio !”
Gérant de l’entreprise LFG
“La magie de Nexxio c’est la planification des rendez-vous et le suivi des travaux avec l’historique de ce qui a été fait !”
Gérant de l’entreprise LFG
“La magie de Nexxio c’est la planification des rendez-vous et le suivi des travaux avec l’historique de ce qui a été fait !”
Gérant de l’entreprise LFG
“La magie de Nexxio c’est la planification des rendez-vous et le suivi des travaux avec l’historique de ce qui a été fait !”
Gérant de Objectif Sols
Benjamin Larquey
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services
that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide. The service and service provided by this organization greatly pleased me with its level of competence in my matter. I will advise this company to everyone who will need the services that these people provide.
Assistante chez Isotoit
“Gain de temps formidable ! Plus besoin d'avoir des bons papiers, des tableaux excels de suivi, des photos par whatsapp, des factures (encore) papier… tout est regroupé au même endroit !”
Conducteur de travaux chez Lucas Rennes
“Avant Nexxio, j'avais 4 réunions de pointage avec mes clients, aujourd'hui j'en ai 0. J'ai gagné 8h / mois grâce aux liens de suivi et tableaux d'avancement de Nexxio !”
Gérant de l’entreprise LFG
“La magie de Nexxio c’est la planification des rendez-vous et le suivi des travaux avec l’historique de ce qui a été fait !”
Gérant de Objectif Sols
“Les coups de fil clients sont passés de 70 à 20 /jour avec Nexxio ! Mes clients sont plus reposés… maintenant, ils m’appellent pour avoir des nouvelles de moi, pas de leurs chantiers !”
Gérant de Objectif Sols
“Les coups de fil clients sont passés de 70 à 20 /jour avec Nexxio ! Mes clients sont plus reposés… maintenant, ils m’appellent pour avoir des nouvelles de moi, pas de leurs chantiers !”
Gérant de Objectif Sols
“Les coups de fil clients sont passés de 70 à 20 /jour avec Nexxio ! Mes clients sont plus reposés… maintenant, ils m’appellent pour avoir des nouvelles de moi, pas de leurs chantiers !”